PERM FAQ Round 10
Permanent Labor Certification Program
Final Regulation
Frequently Asked Questions
Notice of Filing
Does the language on the electronic in-house media Notice of Filing need
to be exactly the same as the language on the physical in-house Notice
of Filing?
The regulations require that the employer publish the notice internally
using in-house media--whether electronic or print--in accordance with
the normal internal procedures used by the employer to notify its employees
of employment opportunities in the occupation in question. The language
should give sufficient notice to interested persons of the employer’s
having filed an application for permanent alien labor certification for
the relevant job opportunity. It is not required to mirror, word for word,
the physical posting. In most cases, the physical posting language will
be the most efficient way to electronically post the Notice of Filing;
in others, the software program used to create the electronic in-house
posting may be unable to accept all of the language used in the physical
Notice of Filing. In every case, the Notice of Filing that is posted to
the employer’s in-house media must state the rate of pay and apprise
the reader that any person may provide documentary evidence bearing on
the application to the Certifying Officer. If there is insufficient space
to include the Certifying Officer’s address, then information as
to where the address can be found must be provided.
Advertisement Content
Does the advertisement have to contain the so-called “Kellogg”
language where the application requires it to be used on the application?
Where the “Kellogg” language is required by regulation to
appear on the application, it is not required to appear in the advertisements
used to notify potential applications of the employment opportunity. However,
the placement of the language on the application is simply a mechanism
to reflect compliance with a substantive, underlying requirement of the
program. Therefore, if during an audit or at another point in the review
of the application it becomes apparent that one or more U.S. workers with
a suitable combination of education, training or experience were rejected,
the application will be denied, whether or not the Kellogg language appears
in the application.
Can jobs requiring experience be advertised through an on-campus placement office?
For professional positions, the regulations at 20 CFR 656.17(e)(1)(ii)(D)
permit, as an additional recruitment step, optional pre-filing recruitment
at or through a college or university placement office. The preamble to
the regulation (69 Fed. Reg. 77325, 77345 (Dec. 27, 2004)) assumed that
this option would be used only if the employment opportunity requires
a degree but no experience. The Department has examined this policy in
light of the fact that many college and university placement offices maintain
job listings that are used by alumni with experience as well as recent
college or university graduates. Consequently, the job opportunities requiring
experience are included in the listings making campus placement offices
a viable recruitment source for professional job requiring experience
as well as not requiring experience. As a result, the Department is clarifying
its position and permitting this option to be used for employment opportunities
even if the job requires experience in addition to the degree.
Is the employer required to include the statement, “any suitable
combination of experience of education, training, or experience is acceptable”
on the application when the employer requires experience in an alternate
occupation and not in the job offered?
No, the employer is not required to include the statement on the application
if the employer has indicated it requires experience in an alternate occupation
and not in the job offered. The “any suitable combination of experience
of education, training, or experience is acceptable” statement is
only required where there are primary as well as alternative requirements
and then only if the alien is already employed by the employer and the
alien does not meet the primary job requirements and only potentially
qualifies for the job by virtue of the employer’s “alternative”
as opposed to its “primary” requirements.
Can the employer submit alternative evidence in the absence of primary
evidence in response to an audit request?
Under the procedures outlined in 20 CFR 656.20, in response to an audit,
employers must present the required documentation. The documentary evidence
the regulations require the employer to maintain in its compliance file
is what is sought in an audit request. For example, the use of an employer’s
web site is to be documented by dated copies of pages from that site advertising
the occupation involved in the application. However, if the employer does
not have the primary evidence suggested by the regulation, it may attempt
to satisfy the request through the use of alternative evidence not specifically
listed in 656.17. In the case of the employer’s web site, in the
absence of a copy of the posting, the employer may provide an affidavit
from the official within the employer’s organization responsible
for the posting of such occupations on the web site attesting, under penalty
of perjury, to the posting of the job. Whether such evidence will be accepted
depends upon the nature of the submission and the presence of other primary
documentation. The more primary evidence is not provided, the more likely
the audit response will be found to be non-responsive.
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has posted
a sample of a Notice of Filing for a Schedule A permanent labor certification
on their website. Will the Department of Labor accept/honor such a posting
as sufficient proof of the Notice of Filing for a non-Schedule A permanent
labor certification?
An employer may use the posting sample of a Notice of Filing issued by
the USCIS and such a posting will be honored by the Department of Labor
(DOL) provided that the Notice of Filing includes the employer’s
name when filing under the basic labor certification process. DOL will
honor the use of the sample form, but is not endorsing or requiring its
use. Employers may use other forms, as long as they comply with the PERM
regulation. Please note that, while the USCIS sample does not include
an employer name field, the Notice must contain the name of the employer
if the application is filed under 20 CFR 656.17.
From previous “approved” FAQ drafts:
Advertisement Content
After completing our recruitment, but before filing the ETA Form 9089,
our company’s name was changed after it was wholly acquired by another
company. Does the company name used in the advertisements used for recruitment
have to match the company name used on the ETA Form 9089?
The employer must conduct recruitment using its legal name at the time
of the recruitment. However, an Application for Permanent Employment Certification
(ETA Form 9089) must be filed in the name of the employer’s legal
name at the time of submission. If a merger, acquisition, or any other
corporate change in ownership occurs between the time of recruitment and
the time of submission, resulting in a disparity between the employer’s
name shown on the advertising used to recruit for a job opportunity and
the employer’s name on the submitted ETA Form 9089, the employer
must be prepared to provide documentation -- in the event of an audit
-- proving that it is the successor in interest, a determination made
based on the totality of the circumstances, including whether the current
employer has assumed the assets and liabilities of the former entity with
respect to the job opportunity.

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