Immigration has always been a sensitive subject, but in recent years it has flown to the forefront of political and social conversations across the country. Between news outlets, social media, online articles, and daily conversation, you’ve likely heard true and false statements about immigration on a regular basis. So, what do you really need to know about immigration? With information on immigration coming from nearly every possible source, it is important to understand a few vital facts.
1. Undocumented Immigration is Notably Low
While it may seem as if undocumented immigration from Mexico is a constant problem, data currently tells us that illegal immigration is extremely minimal at the moment. As of 2015, the number of undocumented immigrants from Mexico was the lowest it has been since the early 1970’s, according to data collected by the U.S. Border Patrol.
2. A Border Wall Could Do More Harm Than Good
Recent legislation has proposed a physical border wall in order to prevent illegal immigration into the United States. However, research conducted by Doug Massey, a sociologist at Princeton University, found that strict border enforcement actually has the opposite effect. Many Mexican immigrants have, historically, followed an immigration pattern by entering the U.S. to work and returning to Mexico to be with their families. By enforcing a stronger border, the illegal immigrants are forced to remain in the United States for longer periods of time.
3. Most Americans Are Against Banning Syrian and Muslim Refugees from Entering the U.S.
In 2016, PRRI/Brookings Survey Report collected data to assess Americans’ general attitude towards Muslim and Syrian immigration following recent incidents of terrorism in the United States. The survey revealed that 58% of Americans are against banning Muslims from coming to the United States, and 55% do not believe we should ban Syrian refugees either.
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If you have questions about immigration into the United States, or you wish to immigrate yourself, our firm may be able to help. Contact Verma Law Firm to discuss your situation with our San Jose immigration lawyers.