Effective March 1, 2014, the Consulate General in Toronto will implement new document submission procedures to provide streamlined process for E-visa applications. If you are applying an E-visa first time or renewing your E-visa, you will need to email a comprehensive package of supporting documentation to the U.S. Consulate’s office at EVisaCanada@state.gov for review by consular staff at least two weeks in advance of your interview appointment date. Note, the Consulate will only accept submissions in PDF format as a single document, and the package must be no more than 35 double-sided pages (i.e. 70 single-sided pages). Packages that do not meet the above requirements will be returned to the sender, and may result in a postponement of the applicant’s interview. If the company's registration is set to expire, the next applicant from the company should follow the instructions on this page to seek re-registration for the company. Only applications in the queue for New Cases and Renewals will be considered for company registration.
NOTE: In addition to the electronic submission, the applicant also needs to bring a physical copy of the entire package for the officer to review at the time of interview. The E-visa unit may contact the applicant and his/her legal representative prior to the interview date for additional information, if needed.
Additional information on applying for an E-visa can be found on U.S. Consulate, Toronto’s website