Recently, the Service Center Operations (SCOPS) liaison committee addressed the concern regarding the delay in adjudication of cap-subject H-1B petitions at the California and Vermont Service Centers. The main concerns employers have is that the delay in adjudication will cause disruption of new, continuing and expanding projects which are dependent on the H-1B workers beginning their employment by October 1, 2012. These H-1B workers include consular notification cases in which workers require additional time to receive their consulate approval. Additionally, delay in adjudication will cause disruption for individuals on F-1 visa changing status to H-1B visa, especially those who are under the cap-gap. Furthermore, employers are concerned that they will be forced to upgrade to Premium Processing.
SCOPS has tried to adjudicating the cap-subject H-1B petitions a top priority at the California and Vermont Service Centers by adding additional resource