Biometric Appointments for Refugee Travel Documents and Reentry Permits
During a stakeholder call held on September 13, 2012, NSC has stated that all applicants who are filing a refugee travel document or reentry permits, are now being issued biometric appointments. According to the instructions for the I-131 Form, only applicants between ages of 14 and 79 must be fingerprinted and required to pay the $85 buimetric fee for refugee travel documents or reentry permits. Furthermore, the application for the refugee travel documents or the reentry permits does not require a paper photogrpah. However, now, even applicants below the age of 14 and above the age of 79 are being issued biometric appointments for the purpose of capturing a digital photograph. Digital photographs make it easier for NSC to produce the re-entry pemit. These applicants will not be fingerprinted as that is not required. However, those applicants below age 14 and above age 79 will not be issued a biometrics appointment if they file two paper photographs with the I-131 reentry permit.